Thomas Knösche received his diploma in Electrical Engineering from the Ilmenau University of Technology in 1992. He defended his PhD thesis on the neuroelectromagnetic inverse problem in 1997 at the Technical University of Twente, and his habilitation thesis in 2010. After working as an R&D-Manager with A.N.T. Software from 1997-2001, he took a position as staff scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences at Leipzig (Germany). He is now heading the Research and Development Group „Brain Networks“ and teaches as a Honorary Professor for Imaging and Modeling in the Neurosciences at Ilmenau University of Technology. Prof. Knösche has made contributions to mathematical modeling of neuronal networks, biophysical modeling of EEG, MEG, and brain stimulation, reconstruction of fiber connections in the brain using diffusion MRI, as well as neurocognition of music, language and memory. He has authored more than 90 peer-reviewed scientific contributions.
Prof. Thomas Knösche
"Transcranial magnetic stimulation - mapping, targeting, and computational modeling"